TOP 10 Superfoods for Male Sexual Health

Chili pepper increases testosterone levels in the male body and improves potency

The "strength" of a man, no matter how strange it may seem, depends directly on a properly organized diet. The effect of a number of vitamins, plant extracts has a positive effect on sperm mobility, "work" of male dignity.

Foods that increase male potency

Coffee is a source of strength

Studies have shown that men's consumption of up to 7 cups of coffee daily is a guarantee of health. Even those who are overweight, suffer from hypertension, have no problems with the function of masculinity. But this does not apply to diabetics. According to scientists, caffeine increases blood flow to the male organ.

Bananas for strong men

Potassium and bananas help keep your heart healthy. The amount of potassium in the norm helps to maintain the optimal level of sodium in the body, which prevents an increase in pressure. If bananas are not a favorite fruit, then oranges in the peel of potatoes cooked in their skin can be a source of potassium.

Chili sauces in the diet of hardy guys

French scientists have found that the level of testosterone in alcoholic beverages is so high that their wives can only be envied. It is noteworthy that in experiments on animals that ate hot peppers, an increase in the genitals was revealed with a significant reduction in fat folds in the abdomen. So, scientists have proven that a certain substance in chili peppers can increase testosterone.

Tomatoes reduce the risk of cancer

The possible risks of developing a malignant tumor of the prostate are reduced in those men who consume 10 more servings of tomatoes during the week. Lycopene, found in tomatoes, is able to fight against various toxins that destroy DNA cells. The number of "normal" sperm is also increasing among those who consume vegetables from their own garden.

Watermelon improves erection

The berries are rich in amino acids, which significantly strengthen the rectal function. By stimulating the production of nitric oxide in the body, the level of blood flow in the penis increases, and the erection only intensifies.

Ginger enhances intimate life

Consumption of ginger and food will have a positive effect on the vascular system. With the introduction of this product into the diet, a man will significantly improve his intimate life with his companion. One teaspoon of ginger a week is a source of complete heart health. In addition, the spice increases testosterone levels: the vital activity of the sperm increases.


Recent research and scientific laboratories have discovered the ability of pomegranate to have a positive effect on male rectal dysfunction. It is pomegranate juice that promotes intense blood flow. Thus, experiments with the "smaller brothers" confirm the feature of the pomegranate to prolong erection.

Green tea is a source of irresistible sexual desire

The catechins in green tea both eliminate belly fat when the liver converts it into an energy charge, and promote an increase in blood flow to the "lower" deck of a male vessel. The best effect, according to experts, is possible with a daily consumption of up to 4 cups of green tea.

Bitter chocolate

The presence of cocoa and chocolate is a stimulant for the growth of serotonin levels. It is this hormone that is responsible for an excellent mood: it suppresses stress, increases an irresistible desire and accelerates the onset of pleasure.


This grain is rich in amino acids, the function of which is to keep the human body in good shape. Very often experts use L-Arginine in the treatment of rectal dysfunction. Cholesterol is reduced with the consumption of whole grains. Thus, a high content of cholesterol plaques is an indicator of the onset of recurrent circulatory problems that negatively affect an intimate life, and subsequently harmful to entire human life.